When Grief Comes To Work Workshop

This three hour workshop lays the foundation for creating grief resilience in the workplace. We will:

-Complete a Workplace Grief Assessment

-Understand common symptoms

-Assess stress vs grief

-Build confidence to address grief

-Start a customized structure

Join us Dec 8, 2023 9-12 PST

Resonant Workplace Leadership Certification

In 5 weeks we'll dig deep into the 4 steps to make you a leader in this important area. We will:

-Complete a workplace grief assessment

-Boost your ability to respond with compassion

-Build grief understanding and response skills

-Design customized structures you can implement in your business

Runs Tuesdays Jan 23rd 2024 - Feb 20th 2024

Business Coaching

If you feel that your business needs a more personal approach this is for you!

In a single session we'll take a deep dive into how your workplace is being affected by grief and explore structures and policies in place that work for your business.

One Coaching Session (60min)

Business Coaching

If you are a business leader who wants one on one support this for you. In 12 weeks we'll complete a personal grief inventory and investigate how grief and loss may be impacting how you lead. We'll also look at your business to find ways you can lead with heightened compassion to create an exceptional employee experience.

12 Week Coaching (60min/session)

Personal Coaching

With personal coaching we will delve into the grief you are feeling and establish ways to help you process it. A single session can be powerful to create a plan to navigate a difficult event, celebration or anniversary.

One Coaching Session (60min)

Personal Coaching

In our 12 weekly sessions your grief will be witnessed. We will work together to design baby steps and small choices that add up to rebuilding a life that honours you and your loved one.

12 Week Coaching (60min/session)



Suzanne brings wisdom from a personal place of experience of loss. Her work has depth and power to really support individuals transition grief by honouring grief.

Mona Fakih

Business Owner


Thank you, Suzanne, for the fantastic Masterclass on grief and its many forms.  I learned a tremendous amount of information that I was able to use right away.

Kay McBreairty

Program Manager